Archive for the ‘Projektor’ Category

Projektor recorded February 5, 2020

February 5, 2020


Walk In The Woods: Dracut Lowell Tyngsboro Forest, using Processing sketch_181030a and soundtrack 20200124_w2mix09. Photos and video combined.

Projektor recorded November 16, 2019

November 16, 2019


Stockport UK. Images taken in Woodlands and Woodbank Parks in Offington, a coupe of blocks from Y Sok’s house. Processing for the video, this is a screen capture, edited in Premiere, sound recorded on AVSynth, and from Woodbank, edited in Audacity.

This is the third video, using the same video and a different sound track.

Projektor recorded November 8, 2019

November 8, 2019


Stockport UK. Images taken in Woodlands and Woodbank Parks in Offington, a coupe of blocks from Y Sok’s house. Processing for the video, this is a screen capture, edited in Premiere, sound recorded on AVSynth, and in Woodbank Park, edited in Audacity.

This is the second video, different video and sound. Experimenting with different mixes.

Projektor recorded November 4, 2019

November 4, 2019


Stockport UK. Images taken in Woodlands and Woodbank Parks in Offington, a coupe of blocks from Y Sok’s house. Processing for the video, this is a screen capture, edited in Premiere, sound recorded on AVSynth, and in Woodbank Park, edited in Audacity.